Progression – Refine your skills and become a better rider, on road or off. Play – Motorcycles are fun! We celebrate our falls (no one is immune) and learn from them! Heart– We’re all in this together, and adventure creates community. Riding groups are teams, helping each other succeed when things become difficult. The Values of AdvMotoPros pretty much say it all. After being in the industry as a trainer and tour guide for the past ten years, Rob Day has collected some of his most trusted & talented colleagues to create a traveling collective of certified trainers. And these guys have talent, fun, AND heart. And we’re lucky to have them include Grit as one of their stops! In his 7 years as a Senior Coach and Tour Lead at a prestigious private company, Rob has trained hundreds of riders and led a diverse set of tours. Among his favorites are the Continental Divide, Death Valley, and of course Baja. No matter where the tour may be headed, he takes great pride in making sure clients are enjoying themselves, pushing themselves, and always arriving safely to their destination.
Guest Trainer
Adv Moto Pros

Adv Moto Pros At Grit
June 1 - 2
Level: 1 & 2
LEVEL 1 & 2 AdV Skills Course
This course is our full 2-day adventure riding curriculum. The course includes discussion of our techniques, and why they’re so important. You’ll have a comprehensive understanding of these techniques before we even begin riding exercises. We’ll also discuss the enemies of many riders: tension and anxiety; along with ways to avoid them.
This 2-day course covers drills and exercises that are paced with more time to practice each new concept before moving on. All drills are specially designed and ordered to build on each other in a natural progression. You’ll have such confidence with every new drill, by the end of the day, you’ll wonder how you got there!
The agenda for a two-day class typically includes an 8 a.m. start on the first day of class, ending around 4; and an 8 a.m. start on the second day, ending with graduation around 3. Start and end times may vary according to time of year, daytime temperatures, etc.